Breat Augmentation Novi Michigan| Breast Procedures

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Breast Sculpting & Sizing

Breast Procedures Novi Michigan

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Breast surgery procedures are performed for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. A general goal is to provide an improvement in body proportion and feminine shape. Schedule your free consulation today for Breast Augmentation or Breast Procedures!

Make Your Vision A Reality With VECTRA 3D!

You can now see your anticipated cosmetic procedure results when you schedule a consultation with our office.

Make Your Vision A Reality With VECTRA 3D!

You can now see your anticipated cosmetic procedure results when you schedule a consultation with our office.

Breast Augmentation Novi Michigan

Breast augmentation is performed to increase the size and fullness of the breasts. Uneven breast sizes may also be improved by the use of different volumes in each breast implants.

Breast Lift Novi Michigan

A breast lift is performed to correct sagging breasts with low nipples and to increase firmness without reducing the size. The operation involves a rearrangement of the soft tissues, repositioning the nipple, and increasing firmness by tightening the skin covering.

Breast Reduction Novi Michigan

A breast reduction is performed to reduce the size and improve the appearance of unusually large breasts. Large breasts may cause aches and pains in the back and upper neck and may cause deep grooves on the shoulders from brassiere straps that support the excessively heavy breasts.

Male Breast Reduction Novi Michigan

A male breast reduction is performed to reduce or eliminate excess male breast tissue. During puberty, mild enlargement of male breast tissue often occurs but usually disappears over a period of one to two years. When it persists, its appearance can cause embarrassment or extreme self-consciousness in social situations.